2013 Michigan Model T Jamboree Registration Forms

The 2013 Michigan Model T Jamboree Registration Forms will be posted on the Michigan Jamboree web site soon.
If you have not been on a Michigan Jamboree in the past few years or your email has changed and would like a Registration Form emailed to you, please leave a message along with your name and we will send a form to your email address. We would enjoy your company!

The more people & Model Ts on this tour the more fun we will have!

Model Ts are heading to Michigan Up North!
Three and a half days of FUN, Model Ts and Friends!

The Ford Model Ts are heading NORTH just as the circus once arrived with great ceremony early in the last century. These historic automobiles are colloquially known as the Tin Lizzie or Model T Ford, and will tour about 100 miles each day along the country side. Drivers will have a different set of directions each day to follow preplanned routes on mostly paved roads to museums, personal collections and various places of historical interest. Scheduled stops for morning, lunch and afternoon breaks are also included and in this manner the car tour serves as a viable traveling museum. 

If you arrive early we have planned a short driving tour to Have Fun in a quaint little town with plenty to offer. 

Our first full day takes us south and west with a morning stop to tour a private classic car collection. We continue to our lunch stop along the river. After lunch we travel north and west along the Lake.

The second day we head west to our morning stop. From there we travel a very short distance to tour a dream come true. Our lunch stop will be along the Lake. We have plenty to keep us busy. From there we head south and east.

Our route takes us northeast around another two Lakes to our morning stop.  We continue northeast and south around still another Lake for our lunch banquet along another Lake. From there we travel to join another traveling car tour and check out their cars. 

If you are staying over we encourage you to play and enjoy what the town has to offer.

The Model Ts will be covering a good 100 miles each full day! 

Spring Tour Registration Forms

The 2013 Spring Tour Registration Forms will be included in the 2013 March April newsletters which will be mailed the week of Feb 18.

WM HCCA members feel free to share a copy of the Registration Form with your friends! The more on this tour the more fun we will have!

If you are not a WM HCCA member and would like a Registration Form emailed to you, please leave a message along with your name and we will send a form to your email address. We would enjoy your company!
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